I think there was a rock band leader who had special skills like my Lucy. The other night as I was feeding Lucy I realized she was sticking her tongue out way far to receive each bite. She just wanted to make sure ALL the food went in her mouth. Hilarious. I took a series of pictures of bite after bite. She just kept doing it. Of course, I did not capture full extension in each picture, but you get the idea.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Home School Makeover
Our play room got a makeover. The playroom (used to be a dining room) is now sharing with the home school classroom (which we thought we would eventually make this conversion. We cut the toys down by one third. We also bought a table that is the perfect height and has adjustable legs. Now everyone can write comfortably and has plenty of elbow room.
We used to hold school in the kitchen. But, it was not good for writing posture. I thought we might be able to get away with keeping school in the kitchen, but it was not working well and we kept moving to our little table, which you can see in this picture to the left. But, when Kristiana wanted to color or join in, there was not enough space for two students. There was a lot of fighting.
See baby Lucy off to the right. Now Annie and she can play while we school. I am sure I will have updates on how this is all working.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
7 Quick Takes - Just Random
1. Confessions of a Fatgirl - I do not have an off switch when it comes to food. It does not matter what kind of food it is. Delicious food is obviously preferred, but non-delicious food will be eaten just the same. Fasting foods do not phase me. I like to eat them too. Therefore, the only sacrifice is to not eat.
Sometimes when it gets to mealtime or especially parties, I think, I should not even start eating because I can not turn it off. My husband complains I don't buy enough food, because he has no easy munchy food. I only plan and buy exactly what we will eat in a week, because if there is a lot of food in the house, I will eat it.
I read an article on 10 Diet Tips You Haven't Tried. One of the tips was that there really is a fat gene in which some people do not have an off switch and there are certain foods, especially rich foods, that trigger overeating. Therefore you should avoid trigger foods. After reading this article, my whole life came flashing before me and suddenly my overeating made perfect sense.
It is the amazing grace of God that I do not weigh 300 lbs. No seriously, I pray about it and that does seem to help.
2. For P.E. in home school this week I demonstrated cartwheels. I am not sure what I looked like when I did it, but afterward the kids didn't want to try it too. Maybe I should do it again and film myself just to see what I look like.
3. P.E. is one of Alex's most favorite school subjects. I need to get better at making P.E. fun. Since there are only three of us, I actually have to participate. And well, I am not a school kid anymore.
4. Speaking of P.E., I read in a home school magazine how doing things like army crawl is good for brain development. Someone else at a home school potluck told me something similar. She said she tried a program where they did hand play exercises before starting school and it would warm up their brains.
5. Sometimes I think I am totally failing at this home school thing. It's not nearly as cool as school outside the home and sometimes it's cooler (there ARE GREAT things about home school that you just cannot get in school). There are so many cool learning things out there and I am not willing to go seek it because, one, it all starts to add up in the budget and two, I am exhausted on just the basics, plus a baby. The things I would normally do during the day, I am not spending time doing home school and then I play catch up during the rest of the day.
6. I took Lucy to her to her six month well-baby appointment. She did not gain very much weight. The doctor was a little concerned, but I haven't done solids with her yet until this week. I told him she hasn't pooped in two weeks too. After a physical exam he said there was nothing suspicious and that I should give her some pear juice. I did that evening. She sucked down 6 ounces and an hour later, she exploded. It was classic parenting fun.
7. I taught Alex about feasting and fasting with pictures to help him learn about the Nativity Fast. We drew his favorite food in one picture and foods mommy makes during the fast in the fasting picture. Visuals--that's my tactic. For Kristiana who has to talk, touch and see, I draw it, she colors it. Yeah, go mommy.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Real Life
Lucy started eating solids today. She has shown no interest in food. But, on Sunday I decided to shove a little avocado in her mouth since she is of age to start solids. She sucked it down with a curious look on her face. Later at the church reception she gummed down some soft banana. Then in the evening my neighbor brought over some prepared baby food left over from her own baby. The other kids were very excited that Lucy would soon be eating food. They asked all day long today if they could be one to feed her. I told them they could all take a turn feeding her. I thought she would do the typical baby thing and push it all out with her tongue, but she sucked down two bowls. The girls had fun playing little mommies with their sister. Of course, Annie spent the most time and care feeding Lucy. Then the girls each had a bowl of baby cereal themselves. I don't know what that was about. Maybe it was like comfort food to them.
Yes, I had to snap a picture of my two year old gently feeding her sixth month old sister. Perfect moment.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Icon Writing With Kids - Holy Archangels
Oh how I wanted to do a large icon of the angels and paint it with the kids. But, the fact is that I just cannot seem to pull it off at the moment. I cannot find energy enough to invest in such a project. However, I am still happy that I have made the effort to continue the coloring book project. October left me with little time and little inspiration. This icon is really beautiful and inspiring. Christ is held by three Archangels showing that their work is for Him. They serve Him and uphold Him.
Let us pray to the nine Archangels to defend us against sin.
Bless the Lord, All you His Angels, You who are Mighty in strength
And do His Will.
Intercede for me At the throne of God,
And by your unceasing watchfulness
Protect me in every danger Of soul and body.
Bless the Lord, All you His Angels,
You who are Mighty in strength
And do His Will.
Intercede for me At the throne of God,
And by your unceasing watchfulness
Protect me in every danger Of soul and body.
Obtain for me The grace of final perseverance,
So that after this life I may be admitted
To your glorious company
And may sing with you
The praises of God For all eternity.
O all you holy Angels And Archangels,
Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers
And Virtues of heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim
And especially you, My dear Guardian Angel,
Intercede for me And obtain for me The special favor I now ask
(State your intention here...).
Say 9 Our Father...