I'll admit it. I do feel discouraged in this home school thing sometimes. I know in my heart that this is the right thing to do. It is the right thing for us when examining the alternatives. I know it is the right thing, because it is an expression of our love to teach our children ourselves, good and noble things. But, I sometimes think how peaceful it would be to have the children off at school and preschool. I would have time to get the chores done. I would have time to think deep thoughts.
I think that they would have the opportunity to do so much more in a classroom. They would also get to be competitive in good ways. I would not have to put in any of the effort. I wouldn't have worry about making things fun while still achieving the highest reaches of education. I wouldn't have to be stressed about discipline. I would have to be stressed about how I would fit in cleaning before I had to make the next meal. I wouldn't have to prove to anyone that parents can do a good job educating their own children.
But, then I remember that that's not what it is all about. It is about faith and family first. The road is a challenge no matter what path you take. The kids would come home exhausted with piles of home work. They would ask for help and they would have no clue how to complete it. I would wonder what they were learning all day. They would talk back to me and then tell me awful stories of filthy things other kids said, and bullying. I am sure they would tell me wonderful things too but, it would be mixed in with the other awful stuff. At least, this is what my friends with kids in school tell me.
Why would I question our choice to home school? I guess in weak and weary moments it is easy to second guess.
I'm getting nervous as our time to start some formal stuff approaches.
ReplyDeleteTwo things: One, I read in Charlotte Mason's book that if the main stumbling block to you homeschooling is housework, then you should consider getting a maid. No joke. As if we could afford it...Hehe. But the point is, having a clean house shouldn't be the main deterrent. I know it's going to challenge ME. I just know I'm going to have days where I'm pulling out my hair just wishing the kids could be away, even for just a few hours, so I could be on top of the chores. I feel your pain from across the country. I guess, just hang in there. If you can't get a maid, then maybe accept a messier home for now? Ugh, even as I type that I know I would have a hard time following that advice....
2. What you are doing IS important. You have the right to be frustrated sometimes and to second guess yourself. I am glad you are homeschooling. You are giving your children a tremendous gift and I know God is looking down at you and smiling. Especially during your struggles and questions. When you are weak, He is strong.
Also, one other suggestion...move HERE and we can help each other out from time to time :) You can be part of St. John's where practically everyone homeschools!
"They would talk back to me and then tell me awful stories of filthy things other kids said, and bullying. I am sure they would tell me wonderful things too but, it would be mixed in with the other awful stuff. At least, this is what my friends with kids in school tell me."
ReplyDeleteThis is true. One of the reasons I am trying and Shane is trying and we are both praying that I can stay home next year. Even at a Christian school you don't have control over the things the teacher tells them. Especially in this "tolerant" age! Of course, I tend to idealize homeschooling due to my fond memories and current dissatisfaction:)