I have really wanted to blog lately, but have not found the time and then the blogs escape me. Here are a few blogs rolled into one.
A couple of weeks ago, we were very excited to welcome our regional Byzantine priest from 110 miles away to come to our neighborhood and celebrate Liturgy with us for the first All Souls Saturday of the season. We had about 30 souls in attendance. It was a great triumph for us. Hopefully there will be many future Liturgies and many more in communion.
(My picture is blurry, because I did not want to take away from the moment with flash photography.)
Ever they comedian, Kristiana. What's in those pants?
Here is Kristiana's Micro-mini train yard. Have I mentioned how much I love four year olds! They are so creative, yet have some sense of reality. It's super fun. Kristiana has taken to telling me an imaginary story off the top of her head each night as we lay in her bed before she goes to sleep. Sweet and tender merely touch upon the feelings I have for these moments.
Smushy! She'll eat anything!
We went to the store to buy Alex some new undergarments, when I saw some shirts that would be suitable for church. I asked Alex what he thought. Then he turned around and saw a shirt and tie set, chuckled and said, "That looks like, Daddy's." [Pause. A moment of inspiration comes across his face.] "Mommy, I want that shirt, because then I would look just like Daddy. " When we arrived home he changed into his new clothes and wanted to go to work with Daddy. Alas, he could not, but he wanted to do home school in his "business clothes." He told me he was, "Business Alex." Later he said he was, "Business Boy!" almost as though he were announcing a super-hero. It was pretty cute. I wonder how far I could ride this one out and get him dressing a little more civil and a little less like he is always ready to play in the dirt. ;-)
Finally, I went to the post office the other day and an elderly woman stopped me to tell me that she had five children, and so she knew what it was like. Older people who raised more than a few children, always stop to tell me they had been there and then they pat me on the back and hold the door open for me. I gripe about people making comments all the time about how my "hands are full." But, I always forget to tell folks about all the nice people who are kind. I have had a lot of compliments about me and my kids lately. I digress, after the lady told me about her kids, she opened all the doors for me and then as I was loading the kids in the car she said her mother-in-law told her, "I know it doesn't seem like it now, but this really is the happiest time of your life. And I didn't believe her then, but I see now it really was." Which gave me a big grin and I replied, "I try to remember every day how precious this time is."
God bless you for even attempting a micro-mission! We'll be praying for you (and get those Roman-rite friends to come for a monthly supplemental Mass- come on...they do daily Masses, I bet)