Alex's Icon - Afterward he showed his Dad and said, "Isn't it beautiful?"
"Indeed, son."
Kristiana's Icon - She was very insistent on coloring Blessed Theotokos all blue and the rest of the image gold.
Divine insight, I guess.
"Gabriel came to you, O Maiden,
and disclosed God's plan
which was from all eternity.
He joyfully offered you his greetings
and cried out:
"Hail, O land without human seed!
Hail, O bush untouched by fire!
Hail, O depth no human eye can fathom!
Hail, O bridge that leads up to Heaven!
Hail, O fleece receiving the heavenly manna!
Hail, O dissolution of the curse!
Hail, O Maiden who returned Adam to grace!
the Lord is with you."
"Today is the fountain-head of our salvation
and the revelation of an eternal mystery:
The Son of God, becomes a virgin's Son
and Gabriel announces this grace.
Therefore, let us exclaim with him
to the Mother of God:
"Hail, O Woman full of grace,
the Lord is with you!"
Oh, how I have missed Icon writing with the kids. But these Byzantine Icon coloring pages will do in the meantime.
Here's a look back to last year: Icon Writing with Kids: The Annunciation
Next year will be Kristiana's turn to write a year of Festal Icons with Mom. Yay!
I am impressed by his coloring--so tidy!