...Or should I say Li'l Bunter.
Alex had his first tee ball game on the weekend. It was unexpectedly fun for the whole family. We did not expect to feel so involved with a 4-6 year old tee ball game, but it was very exciting. Alex's team "won" (they don't keep score, but Alex's team all made it home twice and the other team made it home once and Alex's team tagged their first three players out, so they only got to bat once through too.)
Alex was the first to bat and the first to score. He was also the last to bat and the last to score. He bunted both of his balls so they had to run in to get it. Then he speedily ran the bases. He is easily one of the fastest kids on the team. He was so proud of himself--in a sweet, adorable, humble way.
It was fun to cheer on the other kids too. It was fun to see their improvement and see them do well. It was adorable to see the little girl who ran the wrong way to the pitcher's mound instead of first base.
We feel like Texans and community members now! We feel like Americans! We totally get the love of baseball (maybe not nine innings of baseball). We were also pleased by the covered seating in the Texas heat! You won't see that on a soccer field.
After his home run - He asked me to take his picture. He wanted to remember the moment forever.
Proud Sister - She wanted to share this moment with Alex
Then the kids all got to have popsicles.
Yay, go Alex! That does look like a fun time for the whole family!